Report highlights impact of digital poverty on education

Report highlights impact of digital poverty on education

Laptops and speedy broadband are fast becoming essential tools for completing schoolwork, which is making life tougher for low-income households

Танхимуудын танхим, холбоодын холбоо болсноор илүү хүчтэй

Танхимуудын танхим, холбоодын холбоо болсноор илүү хүчтэй "дуугарах" боломж бүрдэнэ!

Худалдаа аж үйлдвэрийн танхимын тухай хуулийн шинэчилсэн найруулгын төсөл өргөн баригдах гэж байгаатай холбоотой асуудлаар МҮХАҮТ-ын Ерөнхийлөгч ноён Д.Энхтүвшинг ээлжит өглөөний уулзалтанд урьж ярилцлаа.

New ITU clock concept for more resilient synchronization networks

New ITU clock concept for more resilient synchronization networks

Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) provide precise timing for synchronization networks

Electronic waste rising five times faster than documented e-waste recycling: UN

Electronic waste rising five times faster than documented e-waste recycling: UN

Worldwide, the annual generation of e-waste is rising by 2.6 Mt annually

Introducing the GSMA Intelligence 5G Connectivity Index

Introducing the GSMA Intelligence 5G Connectivity Index

The 5G Connectivity Index is to help enable increased coverage, adoption, usage and market development

Global Mobile Trends 2024

Global Mobile Trends 2024

The Global Mobile Trends report examines the biggest developments expected in 2024

Measuring Digital Development – Facts and Figures 2023

Measuring Digital Development – Facts and Figures 2023

The Facts and Figures series is an important record of where we are – and a good motivator to drive us to where we want to be.

Mongolia and SpaceX form national satellite cooperation

Mongolia and SpaceX form national satellite cooperation

Starlink services in Mongolia are expected to be available from late February 2024

The Mobile Economy 2023

The Mobile Economy 2023

The report will offer a comprehensive overview of key trends shaping the industry, such as eSIM, Generative AI, and 5G standalone.

US, partner countries preach open, secure and resilient principles for 6G systems

US, partner countries preach open, secure and resilient principles for 6G systems

A joint release from the White House revealed six shared principles for 6G wireless communications networks, including protecting national security, using spectrum efficiently, and securing privacy.
