Uncovering the connection between digital maturity and financial performance

What explains the link between greater digital maturity and superior financial performance? To understand this, it’s helpful to look at digital transformation through the lens of the seven digital pivots:

1. Flexible, secure infrastructure

2. Data mastery

3. Digital savvy, open talent networks

4. Ecosystem engagement

5. Intelligent workflows

6. Unified customer experience

7. Business model adaptability

Building the capabilities described by the pivots tends to deliver a broad range of business benefits that contribute to improved financial performance. Specifically, the data shows that higher-maturity companies were two to three times more likely than lower-maturity companies to report that they were receiving the following benefits from every digital pivot:

- efficiency

- revenue growth

- product/service quality

- customer satisfaction

- employee engagement.


Source: Deloitte Analysis

More at https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/digital-transformation/digital-transformation-survey.html